Crisis Management on Social Media: How to Protect Your Reputation?

Developments in the world of technology have had a significant impact on media tools and caused public relations activities to evolve. With this change, a major transformation has been observed from the objectives of public relations to the tools used. As a result, a new field called E-Public Relations has emerged. Thanks to the use of technology, it has become possible to reach the target audience quickly, store information easily and carry out activities at a lower cost.

One of the most important areas of public relations management is reputation management. Crises have the biggest impact on reputation. While some crises start in social media, others may start in traditional media and spread to social media. Nowadays, it is of great importance that crises are resolved through social media channels and that organizations react to these crises immediately.

Crisis can occur suddenly as a result of an accident, or they can cause a small problem to grow through social media, leading to boycotts by followers. This can seriously damage an organization's reputation. While some crises can be signaled in advance, others develop suddenly and require immediate intervention. A well-managed crisis can prevent reputational damage. A pre-prepared crisis plan ensures effective management of the crisis and reduces negative impacts. This is why all organizations need effective crisis communication through social media; otherwise, crises can lead to major problems.

Reputation Management and Importance in Social Media

Online reputation is shaped by the perception of brands in the virtual world and the comments made about them. Negative reviews can negatively impact a brand's online reputation, which is why online reputation management has become a critical area of public relations.

According to a 2011 study by Cone Communications, four out of five consumers change their purchasing decisions when they see negative reviews online. While 89% of consumers see the internet as a reliable source for product information, 59% prefer to read online reviews easily on their mobile phones (Cone Communications, 2011). These data show the impact of organizations' online reputation on consumers.

Traditional reputation management rules apply online, but the digital world creates an environment of constant crisis risk for brands. Online reputation management is a process of monitoring a brand's awareness and reputation online. Positive content supports the brand's image, while negative content needs to be responded to quickly. Rather than deleting negative content, this management produces solutions to reduce its impact on users.

Online reputation management is necessary to prevent the uncontrolled spread of content on social media. Issues such as fake accounts, fake news and negative comments are the biggest threats brands face. A positive reputation can build consumer trust, while a negative reputation can reduce sales and increase distrust.

Effective Crisis Communication and Management in Social Media

In order to mitigate the effects of the crisis and restore reputation, it is important for business managers to understand the root causes of the crisis and start public relations activities quickly. 

With social media, brands are now in an environment that they cannot control, and not being present on social media during a crisis poses a great risk. In case of a crisis, the most effective solution is to use the social media platform where the crisis originated. Users accept the information they see on social media as reliable, so negative comments should be taken seriously.

Social media enables immediate response to crises, and due to its viral effect, crises become unpredictable. According to PWC's 2013 survey, 57% of companies use social media as their main source for crisis management. 

The objectives of crisis response in social media are:

  • Monitoring conversations about the organization
  • Identify potential crises in advance
  • Communicating with stakeholders during a crisis

To deal with a crisis, it is necessary to use the Internet effectively. This includes steps such as setting up a virtual crisis management center, monitoring the web 24/7 and having an expert on hand to provide information during a crisis. During a crisis, it is important to develop strategies by sharing the right content on social media.

The 5 basic steps of online reputation management are as follows:

  1. Monitoring: Comments made about the brand on online platforms should be monitored. By using Google Alert, you should also be aware of comments on platforms that do not require membership.
  2. Understanding Negative Comments: Before a negative comment is made, the source of the problem should be identified and the service should be reviewed if necessary.
  3. Respond Appropriately: If the customer is right, apologize and promise to rectify the situation. If there are misunderstandings, the situation should be clearly explained.
  4. Setting the Tone of Response: Responses should reflect the professional values of the business, slang should not be used and language should be moderate. The strengths of the business should be emphasized.
  5. Offline Support: If the complaint is not resolved, the customer should be contacted directly and suggestions made to resolve the issue.

Crisis Management in Social Media and Its Relationship with Corporate Reputation

Customers do not want to spend time and money on a brand until they know its strengths and promises. In a crisis, they seek answers to questions such as “Are customers being communicated with?” and “What are the brand's promises?”. These researches actually aim to find out how the reputation of the business is doing. Reputation is the thoughts that form in people's minds when they hear the brand's name or see its logo. Although online reviews of the brand cannot be controlled, the business can develop effective strategies to manage this situation and resolve it quickly by reducing the impact of the crisis.

Social media can affect the reputation of organizations both positively and negatively. Therefore, businesses should not underestimate social media, follow the comments made about the brand and use social media tools effectively. If solutions are produced before complaints are published, reputation loss can be prevented. If the organization already has a positive reputation, its advocates can intervene and take on the defense of the brand.

Factors affecting corporate reputation include social responsibility projects, brand awareness, corporate image and perception. These factors can take place in society in different ways than the perception of the business. Especially with the impact of new media tools, these perceptions have become more complex. For this reason, reputation management studies should be shared regularly on social media and information should be presented accurately in cooperation with experts.

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