What Is K-Factor & How Can You Increase It?
K-factor is a frequently used marketing term that is exceedingly significant for an app or a website. Therefore, it is beneficial to know what K-factor is and how to increase it to form accurate marketing strategies. So, what are the methods that can be used for increasing K-factor?
What Is K-Factor?
K-factor is the definition of the growth rate of websites or apps. K-factor, which is a critical measurement method in marketing, is a concept derived from the epidemiology field of medicine and used to express the rate of infection spread of disease. In this context, we can summarize its meaning more clearly: If the K-factor of a virus is 1, it represents constancy; greater than 1, exponential growth; less than 1, exponential decrease.
What Is Its Importance?
When the concept’s origin is considered, K-factor represents the contagion of an app or a website to determine how many users it is spread through an invitation. It provides critical insights into an app, website, or customer base activity. It also indicates how many new users are attracted to your channel besides the existing ones. In this sense, K-factor is a marketing branch that allows different strategy developments in marketing.
How to Measure K-Factor
The formula used in the K-factor calculation is as follows.
i = number of invitations sent by each customer
c = percent conversion of each invite
k = i * c
Let’s embody with an example. Consider that you have a dating app, and you offer a 10% discount to your loyal users in exchange for them to invite their friends to the app. Assume that each user invites a friend on average (i=1), and one of three people registers to the app (c=⅓). So, the K-factor is calculated as 1*⅓=33%. We can predict the user number will reach 133 soon and 178 later, and the increase will follow in the same line, whereas you start with 100 users.
How to Boost K-Factor
Many methods are available for boosting the K-factor. Four of these methods are appealing since they are proven effective and commonly used. These four fundamental methods are:
1. Make Your App Shareable
There are many methods for driving traffic to your app, one of which is to make it easily shareable with your friends through score sharings or “invite your friends” options. The easier sharing your app with others, the easier it is to accelerate your user traffic.
2. Encourage Your Users to Invite Others
Rewarding user actions is a proven method in marketing. For example, a tempted user to invite others should be encouraged this invitation with discounts and in-app rewards. Special codes and personalized messages might be good ideas as well.
3. Encourage Also the Invited Users
The method mentioned above also works the same for the invited new users. That means encouraging the new users will also be advantageous for you. Here, the trick is to offer more tangible and understandable privileges to invited users instead of providing a reward that they may have trouble understanding since they are not familiar with the app yet. It is more beneficial to offer in-app discounts and premium features.
4. Work on Your App or Website
The most powerful way to go “viral” with your app and website is to turn out an excellent product. That might sound simple or obvious, yet you should keep in mind that a quality product speaks for itself, and users are aware of it. Therefore, your users will be self-motivated to send invitations to their friends when your product is good enough. Taking time and resources to develop your app or website will be among the most essential and fundamental steps in increasing your K-factor.
The K-factor plays a vital role in the marketing world. We covered what K-factor is, its features, and how you can boost it in this blog post. Don’t forget to check out other BTM content for further information!